So quiet,
It's peace,
It's not judged,
It's so dark,
It's hovering in this void.
It isn't known,
It's a work of art,
It's singing from my soul।
It's within and it's without,
And I am holding onto it,
Not in my hand,
I am enveloped ...................
If my words would compress and release,
To a future pair of eyes,
To an unset place and time,
I would find solace in arms reaching out............
द पाईड पाइपर ऑफ़ हिन्दुकुश: अ स्टोरी रिडिफाइनड....
*सदियों पुरानी बात है*. सुदूर हिन्दुकुश पर्वतों के उस पार टीरिच नाम का एक
देश हुआ करता था. वहाँ का राजा घमण्डी किस्म का था. उसके आस-पास हमेशा
चाटुकारों का...